Too much, too soon?
At the recent visit by the Deputy Director-General of Education to our school, she opined off-handedly that children should own phones only from secondary school onwards. I tend to agree with her. How ironic that these devices purport to strengthen their child academically, but come at the expense of social skills and self-management.
These days, it is not uncommon to see toddlers in strollers staring into devices instead of observing the world around them. At mealtimes, their food is supplemented by a digital diet of an iPad endlessly entertaining them, while they chew on. Instead, parents should eschew these distractions and teach their children to be mindful of the here and now, whether it’s the wonders of nature or the conversation at the table.
These has real ramifications for educators. While there is no concrete link, children addicted to incessant stimulation might find the school learning experience a comparative drag. A vicious circle is enacted, where school is always playing catch up with the breakneck digital pace outside.
But this gap need not be such a chasm, provided parents have the discipline to ensure age-appropriate entertainment for their children, for reasonable durations. If we do this, everybody wins.
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